When needs become our wants and wants become our needs.

So, I need a house and by some miraculous events, even in this bad economy and my credit score, I get one! My need has been fulfilled. Yippy!

Opps, now I need a lawn mower to cut the grass. So, I go to the hardware store to fill that need, but once there I find lots and lots off different kinds of mowers to chose from with lots and lots of different prices…. But, I want a mower with auto-drive wheels and is self mulching so I can save time and energy not working on the lawn. Great! I got one that does it all, sure, it cost me more, but think of the savings in time I’ve created! 

Oops, now I need some shrubbery to make the front of the house look good. Same story; lots of different kinds, prices, etc…. but I want the ones that make my place look good! Course they're the most expensive ones, but I buy them anyways.

Oops, now I have to spend lots of time and energy planting and caring for my new plants, plus cutting the lawn, keeping the mower full of gas and in good working order, etc, etc….Oh, well.

During all this time, energy, and money I’ve been spending on my miracle house, there’s a young boy living in a urban community of poverty right here in the city I live in. His parents are a mess; they can’t keep food on the table or a roof over their families’ head. The neighbors are all in the same shape, poor of finances and of spirit. He is too young to see that he too doesn’t have to live that same future. He’s to young, to even understand that what he needs is the chance to see the world in a different light. He knows there is some kind of empty feeling inside him but he can’t figure out what it is.

I know what he needs, and it isn’t just a new house, mower or gorgeous shrubbery, it’s the chance to feel accepted and cared about. But what can I do about it? I’ve got troubles of my own! Doesn’t he understand how much time it takes me to pray for ways to make money so that I can have all my own wants and needs met?!

Feeling guilty? I am!

Simple Times Farm

CHAMPS is designed to inspire inner-city children to love a purposeful and significant life.
Organized around practical skills, foundational character, and love for God, this camp provides children with a chance for change.

Days are invested in riding, agricultural science, working with animals and gardening.  Our staff are selected specifically for their passion for young people. Whether you are sending your own child, or sponsoring a deserving youth, it is hard to imagine a better investment.

If you want to help fund CHAMP, please follow this link; http://www.simpletimesfarm.com/store/630 or come out and visit the farm!

Maybe I can cut back on what I spend on shrubberies so I can sponsor just one of these kids. Shoot, I hate working on the lawn anyways.

Simple Times Farm does not sponsor this blog; I have just used it as and example of one of the many organizations available for us to help fulfill the NEEDS of the children within our community.

The Way You Should Life: Discover better ways to create closer relationships, better health, increase wealth and learn tips on becoming the best person we can be. We will give detailed examples on how you can start living the life you always wanted, NOW.