What Chicks talk about...and talk... and talk....

My wife had “The Girls” Wednesday night meeting at our home last night. I holed up in my “Man Cave” aka “Prayer Room.” Although my cave was a distance for where the girls gathered I could still hear the din of their voices and the crescendo of their laughter and giggles. It was a good sound. It felt good knowing that the women where having a fun time together away from their normal day-to-day routine.

After they toured our home and chitchatted, I could feel the house quieting down as they hunkered down within the living room. (Okay, so maybe woman don’t “hunker down” maybe it’s better to say they settled down and nested. Okay so maybe I shouldn’t use the word “nested” either, it sounds so male chauvinistic, let's just say, they all sat down.) Because of the distance from my “Man Cave” and my television being tuned to the baseball game, I could just make out snippets of conversation.  Seems like every sentence that I could make out started with…. “Then he said….” (inaudible) followed by group LAUGHTER! Or “Then he did this….(inaudible) followed by group LAUGHTER. I couldn’t identify any of the voices that started each of these sentences, but there was a multiple of them, all seemingly telling stories about the men in their lives. Now, my interpretation of these snippets of conversation as being about the male relationships in their lives may come from my own male paranoia, but I strongly believe that they were talking about us guys.  This, I then conclude, that our women find us men, amusing. Understand this, I don’t think the girls were making fun of us or putting us down, they just like to talk about us. What was especially endearing, was the times the sentences started out with the same…. Then he said this, or then he did this…followed by the voices of the other women…. “That’s so sweet”, and Ohs and ahs.

Men, here is something we might need to think about; the woman are watching us and sharing their experiences with other women. This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how we treat our spouse or girlfriend, but, the main point is, that woman listen to other woman about their relationships and gauge their own relationships by the action, words and deeds of the men in other woman’s lives.

As the, lets call them, more experienced woman, told the stories of their relationship with men, both the good and the bad, the other ladies’ are thinking over the character of the man and judging if that is how they want their own “Man” to be like. Especial the younger girls, they listen intently to the stories and the reactions from the other women. To me this means these younger girls are building a resume of wants, can live with, and can’t live without qualities they will be looking for within the men they meet and date.

What does this revelation mean to us men? (Guess it’s not a revelation, cause its been the same way since Eve was passing-on her “Adam” stories to her daughters.) Maybe, our treatment of women is a real life reflection of our “Heart” for God. Maybe, a man’s true “Heart” for God can be gauged on our “Heart” for the women in our lives. We men are always saying that we’re striving to be like Jesus, but do we treat our own wife or girlfriend in a way that reflects that?

Ladies, have I even come close to being right on this subject or are you just shaking your heads, sighing a little laugh because I’ve given you another “Man” story! : )

Well, Ladies and Gentleman, no mater what you think about my thoughts written here, I will be retiring to my “Prayer” cave……okay, so it is a “Man” cave….and think more about how I treat my wife and the other women God has brought into my life.  Crap, this could take a long, long time. Wonder what time the ball game starts. 

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